Frequently Asked Questions
Let us know what is happening in your neighborhood or community! We need eyes and ears listening for opportunities of what may become a good idea to have more community members involved with. This can be a neighborhood park that would be well suited for more trees, community workshop of a topic of interest, a good location for habitat structure installation etc.
You can also apply to be a council member as well, you can learn more about this on our About Us page.
Yes, we can provide a letter of confirmation of volunteer hours for youth who help participate in our activities.
Like, follow and share our activities through social media, our e-mailing list as well as checking in on our events page calendar.
We first want to make sure the habitat structure is going to be suitable on your property. It is best to either call the office or email us and let us know what is in and around your property to make sure we provide the best suited structure for you.
Land Care Niagara will take considerations for our urban tree planting program but is not a guaranteed process.
If your company is a not for profit or charity this ranks of higher importance to receive a tree. We ask for a planting plan and the reason for wanting to receive a tree(s).
For schools, we ask that you provide a school yard planting plan along with the budget involved with the scope of your project.
Yes and is fully appreciated by both LCN and our tree recipients! We would ask that you fill out the sponsorship/ donation form with the details of your sponsorship for a tree. Sponsorship is $100 per tree and includes your name on the tree tags, as well as social media and website sponsorship opportunities.
The minimum contribution rate is $1,500 from the landowner and LCN seeks and secures additional funding to offset the remaining cost. This provides financial support into the program to offset the tree seedling cost, the planting prescription and site preparation or tending costs as well as planting costs.
Additional costs will be incurred by the landowner if registering under the Managed Forest Tax Incentive Program as a report is written and approved by a Managed Forest Plan Approver- separate from LCN.
Each landowner has to sign a Stewardship Agreement that is to be held in place for 15 years. This is to ensure that the landowner are invested in the decision to plant trees, that the trees will be provided enough time to mature, and no harm is specifically conducted to the trees.
Our tree planting all occurs in the spring (May to June). The timing of the trees being planted will depend on the acreage that is planted, as well as the other properties in the Haldimand and Niagara Region.
In Niagara we typically plant 60,000 seedlings on private property every year. With joint efforts with Haldimand Stewardship Council we plant approximately 100,000 seedlings per year!
All the trees that we plant are native to Niagara and are Carolinian Species. With this program we do not unfortunately plant fruit trees or special nut varieties as this isn’t in line with our funders goals. Species selection depends each year on what we can source but offer a wide variety of species (oak, spruce, hickory, white pine, birch varieties for example). The tree species are also selected from the soil of the sites and will depend on the landowner’s goals for the property.
With planting 800 trees per acre we are already expecting there to be die off over the years, animal damage to the trees (deer, voles, and mice) as well as weather effects. Typically at first year a survival rate of mid to high 90s is expected, second year mid to high 80s and fifth year survival should level off around low 70s. If survival is low our set standards and we believe it should have been higher LCN can look into in-filling the low survival areas. This is dependent on funding sources and the site outcomes.
The minimum acreage that is required to plant trees under this program is 2.5 acres. This is the area that would be planted into trees and cannot count the acreage that your house or outbuilding are on.